Young Carers look ‘Under the Microscope’ through music and art

In the arts and crafts sessions, the young carers created miniature petri dishes and then expanded these into larger, intricate pieces. These artworks are now proudly displayed in our office, showcasing the beauty found in the tiniest details. They also crafted mushroom-shaped lights, symbolizing the magic that happens when different elements are brought together with care.

The workshop also saw the young carers compose three original musical pieces, with guidance from The Bath Philharmonia. These pieces, created entirely from scratch, reflect the diverse voices and unique experiences of the carers.

The workshop culminated in a final performance at the prestigious Bristol Beacon, where the young carers showcased their compositions and crafty creations to an enthusiastic and sizable crowd. The powerful compositions and lyrics deeply moved the audience.

You can watch the full videos of these performances:

Here are some of the touching lyrics from the track ‘Under the Microscope’:

Sometimes it’s hard to make friends
I wish I wasn’t scared to be seen
Scared of the next step
And scared to be in between

It feels like everything changes
And everything is out of control
But if you look a little deeper
You might find what soothes our soul

The wail of trees dancing
Swaying in the breeze
Shadows casting shapes
As the light tears through the trees

Water making waves
And crashing on the beach

The young carers had this to say about their experience at the workshop and performance:

“I would like to thank all the carers for their support and for making the activity engaging and fun.”

“I learnt how to play a groovy beat on a double bass!! I never thought I could do something like that!”

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to learn an instrument.”

“I really want to do this again next year!!”

These quotes remind us of the importance of providing young carers with opportunities to express themselves, learn, and have fun. We’re proud to support their creativity and look forward to more inspiring projects in the future.

Young Carers have collaborated with Bath Philharmonia on similar projects before. You can read about their performance at the Bath Forum here: