Visit for carers over 50 to Blaise Castle

Come and join us for a tour of Blaise Castle Estate at 2pm, Wednesday 30th October which will take about half an hour, followed by a cuppa and sweet treat in the café!

There will then be time to have more of a look around the beautiful grounds of Blaise Caste Estate.

This trip is funded by Bristol Ageing Better and is part of the Celebrating Age Festival. Therefore, we are prioritising places for carers aged 50 and over.

  • When: Wednesday 30 October, 1.45pm – 4pm
  • Where: Blaise Castle Estate, Kings Weston Road, Lawrence Weston, Bristol, BS10 7QS

We will arrange group taxis for carers to get to Lawrence Weston.

There are 4 places left for carers on this trip. To book, please email Dennis Agodzo at Carers Support Centre: or call 0117 958 9902.