Training on representing other carers and carers rights

Carers Support Centre has some exciting forthcoming training on involvement and representing other carers which are being led by Gill Deacon.

The aim of the training is to build up skills to be a representative at meetings for other carers, but you are very welcome to attend anyway even if you’re not currently able to be a carer representative as the skills are useful for any carer.

Each session runs from 10am-1pm and takes place at the Vassall Centre. You don’t have to attend them all.

  • Friday 23 February – roles and responsibilities of carer representatives and equality and diversity issues.
  • Thursday 15 March – communication, including communicating with professionals.
  • Friday 20 April – opportunities for getting involved and how to work together as a team.
  • Tuesday 22 May – legislation and carers’ rights.

Carers who attended this particular series of training said:

“Very useful to meet with carers and share experiences”

“Thanks for the opportunity to attend”

“A really good, friendly, informative session. Makes you realise how much work we still need to do to make a change”

“It increased my knowledge of the carer reps as well as identifying my own strengths and weaknesses”

“Really well presented”

Contact Caroline McAleese, Carers Engagement & Involvement Lead to book on to any of the above training dates or to find out more about becoming a carer representative or having your say in other ways:, 0117 958 9989.