The Care Forum – Cost of living crisis survey

The Care Forum’s Dialogue Team have launched a survey to find out how South Gloucestershire communities are coping with the cost of living crisis.

The Care Forum and Dialogue are passionate about placing your thoughts and experiences at the centre of their thinking as they help shape health and care, engagement and other services across South Gloucestershire.

The cost of living is impacting everyone and they want to know how you have been specifically impacted by listening to your stories.

If you leave your contact details, you will automatically be entered into a prize draw for a chance to receive 1 of 20 £10 gift cards!

The feedback and stories you tell will be fed back to South Gloucestershire Council and help to enact positive change in South Gloucestershire.

“We have an created an online survey which we are encouraging people from South Gloucestershire to take part in and tell us their story. We will also be working with local groups and organisations across South Gloucestershire to get the people that they work with to share their stories.”

You can find a link to the survey below.


If you have any further questions please contact:

This survey will end on 31st July 2022.