The House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee has launched a major inquiry called “Lifting the veil: Removing the invisibility of adult social care”.
Susy Giullari, our Carers Policy, Engagement & Involvement Lead will be collecting responses from carers. She will be submitting this evidence to parliament.
Continue reading “Government inquiry – share your caring experiences”
Would you like to be a carer representative?
Carer representatives listen to the views of other carers and make sure that they are heard. This includes speaking out for other carers at meetings and events and feeding in to local strategies.
Continue reading “Would you like to be a carer representative?”
Consultation: South Gloucestershire HomeChoice
The South Gloucestershire Council HomeChoice Rehousing policy sets out how the Council assesses applications for housing and the process for letting to social housing that the Council has nomination rights to.
The current policy contains three bandings. These bands are broad based and applicants within each banding have the same level of priority although their housing circumstances can be very different.
The deadline to feed into this consultation is the 26th March.
To give your feedback click here!
Have your say on the re-design and re-commissioning of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Services
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) is a programme to support people of all ages who are experiencing low mood, anxiety and depression, stress, excessive worry or difficulties controlling emotions. These therapies are sometimes known as ‘talking therapies’. Typical treatments include cognitive behavioural therapies, mindfulness, counselling, couples therapies, psychodynamic therapy, psychosexual therapy, and group-based support.
The current contracts for IAPT jointly commissioned between Bristol and South Gloucestershire are delivered through 16 separate contracts as part of the model. Services are commissioned for all ages. Services are commissioned for adults only, with an additional 16-18 year old pathway to adult services.
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Groups plan to re-design and re-procure a new IAPT service for people in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
Have you say about this process via the following survey here. It is open until 12th January.
Carers Support Centre is planning to organise a focus group for mental health carers. If you are interested in taking part in this, contact Caroline McAleese.