In 2019 the NHS Long Term Plan, building on work since 2015, set out a commitment on improving care and avoiding unnecessary admissions to inpatient settings for children and young people with a learning disability and autistic children and young people.
Continue reading “Multi Agency Admission Avoidance Framework Survey”nhs england
Free training for carers of people with learning disabilities
Please note that this training is not provided by the Carers Support Centre.
Continue reading “Free training for carers of people with learning disabilities”A practical guide to healthy caring
NHS England and Public Health England, alongside Age UK, Carers Trust and Carers UK, have released a new guide to healthy caring, particularly aimed at new carers over the age of 65.
Do you or someone you care for use NHS Special Care Dental Services?
If you or someone you care for or support use Special Care Dental Services in the South West then NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE and NHSI) would like to hear from you.
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Personal health budget holders invited to share their experiences
People currently in receipt of a personal health budgets or integrated personal budget (combining health and social care funding) will be able to share their experiences of a personal health budget in a survey being run by NHS England. Open until 31st April, all survey responses will be anonymised and used to help improve how personal health budgets are offered in England.
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Consultation: Over the Counter Items (NHS England)
NHS England is consulting on reducing prescribing of over-the-counter medicines. Feedback so far from patients and patient organisations has highlighted that considerations must be made for people with long-term conditions who require a large supply of over the counter medicine.
If you would like to respond to this consultation you can do so by Wednesday 14 March.