As well as using your Carers Emergency Card in an emergency situation you can also use it for discounts on services across Bristol and South Glos simply by showing your card. There are a number of new discounts available in the Old Market area as well as new discounts with local therapy and relaxation practitioners.
carers emergency card
New Fishponds Carers Café
We have launched a new carers group meeting at Kingfisher Cafe in Fishponds on the third Wednesday of each month from 2–3.30pm. The carers café is aimed at carers over 50, but all carers are welcome.
New discounts in St Pauls and Montpelier
New discounts are now available for Carers Emergency Card holders in St Pauls, Montpelier and Stokes Croft.
Is your Carers Emergency Card up to date?
It is vitally important that you keep the Emergency Call Centre/Emergency Communications Team up to date with any changes to your or the person you care for’s details so that you can receive an effective emergency response if the card is used.
Continue reading “Is your Carers Emergency Card up to date?”
New discounts in Bedminster
In addition to the existing discounts in cafes, shops & restaurants on North St, there are now 14 more discounts available for Carers Emergency Card holders on East St & Bedminster Parade.
BDA (Bedminster Domestic Appliances)
Bedminster Flowers
Bizoe Toys
Bubble Play Café
Cut Above
East St Fruit Market
Eddies Coffee Lounge Ltd
Goldminster Jewellers
Refresh Bedminster
Shoe Tappers
Smart Phones
Strongman Moustache
Taunton Leisure
See all available discounts.
New Carers Emergency Card discounts
Check the latest discounts in Yate, Chipping Sodbury and St Judes, Easton.