Do you care for a friend, relative, family member or neighbour with an illness or disability? Do you live in Bristol West?*
Continue reading “Come and meet Thangam Debbonaire MP – Friday 16 November”
Do you care for a friend, relative, family member or neighbour with an illness or disability? Do you live in Bristol West?*
Continue reading “Come and meet Thangam Debbonaire MP – Friday 16 November”
The ‘Older Men at the Margins Project’ is a 2-year Bristol University research project in collaboration with Age UK. The project seeks to identify ways of alleviating loneliness and reducing isolation for older men (65+) across marginalised groups including older men who are carers for significant others. The overarching aim is to develop an in-depth understanding of the ways in which marginalised groups of older men seek to maintain social engagement and social participation in later life and to learn more about their participation in groups and community networks. The project is based at the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol.
Surgery for Carers – Friday 16 November
Do you care for a friend, relative, family member or neighbour with an illness or disability?
UPDATE 25/09/18: This important consultation was the main topic for the Bristol carers open meeting on 19 September.
Continue reading “Consultation: Advocacy and Healthwatch recommissioning (Bristol)”
Do you care for a relative or friend in Bristol? If so, you are warmly invited to our next get-together for carers!
Status: Event has ended.
Continue reading “Bristol Carers Open Meeting – September 19”
Bristol City Council are providing a new service called the Assistive Technology Service to support people with a learning disability and/or autism to live more independently with the help of assistive technology (AT). To deliver this the council will be working in partnership with WE care and Repair and Hft.
Earlier in the year, we were contacted by Bristol North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) about their consultation on Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT).
Continue reading “Further Consultation on Talking Therapies Services”
The Bristol Bike Project has a social programme called ‘Tea & Tinkering’, a weekly workshop for adults experiencing social isolation. Watch a short film about ‘Tea & Tinkering’.
Give Bristol Ageing Better your views on the Age Friendly Action Plan.
On Tuesday 5th June the government published its long-awaited Carers Action Plan setting out how to support carers over the next two years (2018-2020).
Continue reading “New Government Carers Action Plan published”
Last year we ran a successful telephone counselling pilot through funding from Bristol Ageing Better. We were able to support 38 carers with up to 6 weekly sessions of counselling by telephone. 79% of those carers reported an improvement in at least one aspect of social isolation, loneliness and their wellbeing as a result.
After making a successful partnership bid, with Oasis Talk, we are now excited to be able to restart our telephone counselling service and offer carers the opportunity to access counselling by telephone for 6 weekly sessions.
Continue reading “Telephone Counselling Service for over 50s”
Dear Carers, please find links below for two important surveys for you to fill out.
Continue reading “National State of Caring & Short Breaks Survey”
You may be aware that the Government will be releasing a green paper in the summer about the future of social care.
Continue reading “Feed carers views and needs into The Social Care Green Paper”
Bookings for Carers Week 2018 are now closed.
Bristol City Council has drafted a City Centre Framework document for consultation. The Framework sets out aspirations for how people access and move around the city centre. It also covers new development and enhancing public spaces, with a focus on Bristol Shopping Quarter, Old City, Castle Park, North Redcliffe and the gateway into the city from the M32.
Pop-up exhibitions to raise awareness of the consultation are planned as follows:
Learn more about the consultation here.
Healthwatch Bristol’s has launched a report following on from discussions with carers at the Carers Rights Day that we held in Fishponds in November 2017.
Continue reading “Healthwatch Bristol Impact Report from Carers Rights Day”
Bristol City Council is consulting on its priorities for its Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND Strategy). This consultation closes on 25 May.
Continue reading “Consultation: Bristol Special Educational Needs and Disabilities”
Ask Listen Do is an NHS project to make it easier for people to give comments and make complaints.
Continue reading “NHS England Family Carer Event – Ask Listen Do”
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) will be producing an urgent care strategy which will set out their future plans for commissioning urgent and emergency care across the whole area. The CCGs’ aim is to ensure that their population has access to the best care from the right person in the best place and at the right time.
There will be a workshop to capture local people’s thoughts and the reasons for choosing a particular urgent and / or emergency care service. The aim is to highlight areas where the system is not working and where the patient and carer experience is poor, as well as identifying the areas where urgent and emergency care services are working well.
Update: If you can’t attend the meeting on 21st March, but would like to feed into this important strategy, please fill out the following short survey: BNSSG Urgent Care Strategy Survey
Details of the workshop are:
Date: Wednesday 21 March 2018
Start & Finish Time: 10 am until 12 noon
Venue: Brook Way Activity Centre, Brook Way, Bradley Stoke, BS32 9DA (Meeting Rooms A&B)
To book, contact: Pennie Jones, Patient & Public Involvement & Equalities Officer
Tel No: 0117 9474441
Monica Rudston who runs the Henleaze Carers Group has asked Carers Support Centre to extend the invitation to their 12th April carers group to all carers who might like to come along, even if from outside of the BS9 area, as they have an MP visiting. Here is the information, if you would like to attend this really interesting sounding meeting.
Continue reading “MP to visit Henleaze Carers Group in April”