Government inquiry – share your caring experiences

The House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee has launched a major inquiry called “Lifting the veil: Removing the invisibility of adult social care”.

Susy Giullari, our Carers Policy, Engagement & Involvement Lead will be collecting responses from carers. She will be submitting this evidence to parliament.
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University of Bristol – Living with dementia for a post-diagnosis support study

University of Bristol is seeking people diagnosed less than four years ago, to explore the need for post-diagnostic support. What works for people living with dementia, and their ideas for improvement.

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New online autism course for parent carers

Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos (BNSSG) Parent Carer Forums are hosting an online event for parent carers in these areas who have a child (aged 0-18) currently waiting for an autism assessment. The session will focus on signs, symptoms, support and strategies.
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Watch our new short film for carers

Carers Support Centre has made a short film all about caring, to mark Carers Rights Day. Featuring 4 local carers, this film aims to increase carer awareness and reach unidentified carers. In the film, Cheralyn, Tony, Fanuel and Amanda share how they started caring, how they realised what they were doing was caring, and how receiving support improved their lives.

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