Your chance to get involved in a review of mental health services

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) has begun a review of mental health services across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Continue reading “Your chance to get involved in a review of mental health services”

Improving Healthcare for Everyone across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

Bristol North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) is trying to improve how their health services meet the needs of the diverse communities in the area. To do this, they are setting up an independent panel that will assess their progress to date.

Continue reading “Improving Healthcare for Everyone across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire”

NHS Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire CCG Mental Health Conversations Event: 13th December

The next Mental Health Conversations event will focus on developing a mental health strategy for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Continue reading “NHS Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire CCG Mental Health Conversations Event: 13th December”

Further Consultation on Talking Therapies Services

Earlier in the year, we were contacted by Bristol North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) about their consultation on Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT).

Continue reading “Further Consultation on Talking Therapies Services”

Urgent Care Strategy Meeting – March 21

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) will be producing an urgent care strategy which will set out their future plans for commissioning urgent and emergency care across the whole area.  The CCGs’ aim is to ensure that their population has access to the best care from the right person in the best place and at the right time.

There will be a workshop to capture local people’s thoughts and the reasons for choosing a particular urgent and / or emergency care service.  The aim is to highlight areas where the system is not working and where the patient and carer experience is poor, as well as identifying the areas where urgent and emergency care services are working well.

Update: If you can’t attend the meeting on 21st March, but would like to feed into this important strategy, please fill out the following short survey: BNSSG Urgent Care Strategy Survey

Details of the workshop are:

Date:   Wednesday 21 March 2018
Start & Finish Time: 10 am until 12 noon
Venue:  Brook Way Activity Centre, Brook Way, Bradley Stoke, BS32 9DA  (Meeting Rooms A&B)

To book, contact: Pennie Jones, Patient & Public Involvement & Equalities Officer
Tel No:
0117 9474441

Consultation: Deadline for responding to Talking Therapies extended

As some of you will be aware, BNSSG (Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire) Clinical Commissioning Groups are re-designing and re-commissioning talking therapies services. This includes counselling, CBT and group therapy.

Have you accessed talking therapies? Has the person that you care for accessed them? Do you have any views that you would like to feed in?

The deadline for filling out the online survey has now been extended until 15th February.

You can fill this out by clicking here!