
The Friends of Carers Support Centre
This is a small group which organises its own fundraising activities: from stalls and craft fairs, to quiz evenings and choir performances.

Several of our ‘friends’ are carers themselves, but manage to find time to get involved – well done folks!   

They are an ambitious bunch and are keen to do more to support our work.  However, to achieve this they need a few more members.

Do you enjoy planning, being creative or social? Could you come to a monthly (daytime) meeting or would you prefer to help out ‘on the day’ now and then?  Whilst they are looking for ‘organisers’ or people with fresh ideas that they can follow through, they also need folk they can call on occasionally if an event is coming up.  Could that be you?  Either way you can be assured of a warm welcome.  

To find out more contact the Friends Group:
07712 345732

Organising your own fundraising
You might prefer to organise your own activity: at home, at work, at school, online, in shops and in pubs and clubs. We are always grateful for any fundraising that you undertake on our behalf. If you’ve got your own ideas to raise funds, we would simply encourage you to go ahead and let us know how you get on. If you want to help but aren’t quite sure how to get started, please get in touch.

If you are looking for an idea, how about some of these?

  • Tea and chat: get your friends together, for tea and cakes. Charge a fee and donate the money you raise.
  • Sponsored events: sponsored events are a good way to raise money. How about the old favourites such as a sponsored walk, silence or swim? Or, if you are entering a sporting event, such as a fun run or half marathon, why not choose to raise sponsorship for Young Carers at the same time.
  • Jumble sale: people love a good rummage and it’s always a good fundraiser.
  • Karaoke evening: ask a local pub to host a Karaoke night for you and charge people to get in or take part.
  • Promises auction: try to get people to donate a gift, the promise of their time or use of their belongings.
  • Quiz night: always a favourite whether it is at home, at work, in a club or in a pub. Charge people to take part.
  • Birthday Facebook fundraiser: ask your friends and family for donations via Facebook for your birthday. It’s easy to set up and completely free. Create and customise your fundraiser here.

Workplace ideas
Do you work in a large office or factory? Maybe a friend, family member or neighbour does? How about one of these ideas for the workplace:

  • Dress down Friday: this is ideal if you work in a formal office environment. Colleagues are charged for the privilege of wearing more casual clothes to work on a designated day.
  • Office sweepstake: how about running a sweepstake on something fun? How many times will a colleague leave their desk? How many phone calls will reception get in a day? Charge people a pound per guess and donate 50% of the pot.