New Learning Disability Support at Southmead Hospital

There are now 3 new Learning Disability Nurses at Southmead Hospital.

The team at Southmead have been growing their learning disability support services. Now, on entering the Brunel Building, you will see a Learning Disability Liaison Support banner with the team’s contact details. There are also leaflets and hospital passports you can take.

We are working really hard to try and improve the support for your loved ones here at Southmead.

The Learning Disability and Autism Steering Group is now attended by Key Leads in the hospital and meets 2 times per month. The group discusses how to improve support for people with learning disabilities and autism.

The team now also give fortnightly Learning Disability Awareness training to all new North Bristol Trust staff, as part of their induction. The trust is also currently arranging Autism training from BASS (Bristol Autism Spectrum Society).

They are also developing a whole day masterclass for all 86 of their Learning Disabilities Champions.

To make a referral to the Learning Disability team at Southmead, call 0117 4141239 or email

To find out more or download a leaflet, visit the North Bristol Trust website.