Groups welcome new members

All of our carers’ support groups are now back meeting face-to-face. For many carers, this is a welcome opportunity to come to a friendly social get-together and get some support as well. 

The groups all meet on a monthly basis and usually last for about 2 hours. They are led by a facilitator (with the help of a volunteer) who provides structure to the meetings and ensures they are run smoothly and safely*.

Our groups give carers a comfortable space to talk and learn from each other’s experiences. Lots of useful information is shared at the groups and sometimes speakers are invited to bring their expertise. 

Most of our groups are for adults caring for an adult relative or friend with any disability, mental ill-health or long-term condition. Two of the groups are more disability specific –the Mental Health Carers Group, and the Brislington Group for carers of someone with dementia (formerly Callington Road Group). We have combined the Bristol and South Glos online groups for adult carers, which will continue on Zoom. We hope this will be a good option for those of you who cannot come to a venue-based group. 

Whatever your caring situation – if you can – take some time out for yourself to spend with others who understand. All our groups are actively welcoming new members. We would love to hear from you, if you are thinking of coming along. 

Visit our Carers groups page to find out upcoming dates and who to contact for each group. 

*Group facilitators will explain the Covid-19 precautions for keeping everyone safe