Be prepared for the future – learn to understand dementia as it progresses and how to seek support.
Newcastle University has created a free online course for carers of people with dementia. The course is available to anyone to complete in their own time and will help you to be better prepared and supported to ensure quality of life and comfort for both yourself and the person you care for.
The course has a good mix of personal stories, practical tips and medical professional input and covers, amongst other subjects:
- Understanding the progression and symptoms of dementia
- The potential for involving the person with dementia in decisions
- Signposting to services that may be useful to families as the illness progresses
- Exploring sources of support for carers and people living with dementia across a range of different settings
- Exploring ways to ensure care and communication is person-centred
- Identifying ways to maintain quality of life and ensuring comfort for the person living with dementia
For further information and to sign up click here.