Consultation on Substance Misuse Strategy

Existing ROADS contracts are coming to an end in 2017 and they are re-commissioning a wide range of treatment and support for people affected by drugs/alcohol use in Bristol. There is a consultation (until 14 April 2017) to seek all stakeholders views on their proposals.

You can view the published Substance Misuse Commissioning Strategy and supporting documents here.

How to give your feedback:
Your views are very important as they will help shape future services and commissioning arrangements.   You can give them feedback on the commissioning proposals by completing an online survey here.  Please note, any personal information you provide will be anonymous, and will not be shared wider than the project team. A summary of all responses after the consultation period is over will be circulated.

You can also join their email list or give them additional feedback on other proposals in the commissioning strategy by contacting them at: