Carers News Issue #79 is now available for download.
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News for carers and health & social care professionals in Bristol & South Gloucestershire
Bristol Carers Open Meeting – March 14
Do you care for a relative or friend in Bristol? If so, you are warmly invited to our next get-together for carers!
Current status: Bookings are now closed.
Programme: Now available on our event page.
Carer Representative needed for South Gloucestershire Ageing Better Group
We’re looking for a carer over 55 or a carer looking after someone over 55 living in South Gloucestershire to speak out for carers at a quarterly (four times a year) meeting in South Gloucestershire called the South Gloucestershire Ageing Better Group.
Continue reading “Carer Representative needed for South Gloucestershire Ageing Better Group”
Carers UK Research: More than 600 people quit work every day to look after older and disabled relatives
A report launched this week by Carers UK reveals that more than 600 people quit paid work to look after older, sick and disabled relatives every day.
Survey for Parent Carers in Bristol
This survey aims to collect the views of parent carers whose children have special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) and attend a for profit/private or independent school.
Would you like to be involved in Dementia Research?
North Bristol Trust are looking for people aged 45 and over who are interested in taking part in dementia research.
Continue reading “Would you like to be involved in Dementia Research?”
Improving life for carers event
Do you care for someone who is over 55, or has stroke, dementia, a movement disorder, or osteoporosis?
Are you based in Bristol, South Gloucestershire or North Somerset?
Young Carers Awareness Day 2019
Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees has shown his support for Young Carers.
South Gloucestershire Consultation – Early Help Strategy for Children, Young People & Families
The draft version of South Gloucestershire’s Early Help Strategy for Children, Young People & Families (2019-2024) is being consulted on. This strategy will affect parent carers and young carers in South Gloucestershire.
“Laminated” – A play about being a carer
This short play may be of interest to parent carers and sibling carers. The writer has drawn a lot from her own personal experience.
NHS Long Term Plan
Following consultation and feedback from organisations such as ours, the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) was launched on 7th January. It sets out what the NHS wants to achieve over the next ten years. Many of the measures announced are part of the £20 billion extra funding announced by the government last year.
Continue reading “NHS Long Term Plan”Survey for Parent Carers living in Bristol
This survey aims to collect the views of parent carers whose children have special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) and attend a for profit/private or independent school.
Continue reading “Survey for Parent Carers living in Bristol”
NHS Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire CCG Mental Health Conversations Event: 13th December
The next Mental Health Conversations event will focus on developing a mental health strategy for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
South Gloucestershire Suicide Prevention Strategy Consultation
The public consultation for the South Gloucestershire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2019-2021 is now open. The closing date for responses is the February 1st, 2019.
Continue reading “South Gloucestershire Suicide Prevention Strategy Consultation”
Have your say – changes to community services
Community health services across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) are currently being reviewed, before they are put out to tender next year.
Continue reading “Have your say – changes to community services”
Participate in end of life emergency research
The Emergency Care Research Team at University of the West of England are looking for a member of the public, or a patient who has experience of end of life care, or of caring for someone at the end of their life to join the study team and inform all stages of a developing research project.
Continue reading “Participate in end of life emergency research”
Home Instead seniors film clubs
Home Instead Bristol North are running regular film clubs for seniors. An opportunity for cake, company and a classic film, these monthly film screenings are open to everyone, including carers.
Bristol Council Tax Consultation
The “Balancing Bristol’s Budget 2019-20” consultation was launched today. The consultation aims to gather views on options for the level of Council Tax from April 2019. The consultation is open until midnight on Monday 17 December.
Bristol carers’ experiences of accessing GP services sought by Healthwatch Bristol
The Healthwatch Bristol survey will be open for 6 months with plans to speak to members of the public at selection of practices across the city. Healthwatch will analyse the results once the survey closes and present their findings in a report.
Help with research on older people
A University of the West of England study on experience of ageism, social support and suicidal ideas amongst older people, is looking for participants to aid research.