Carer Representative needed for South Gloucestershire Ageing Better Group

We’re looking for a carer over 55 or a carer looking after someone over 55 living in South Gloucestershire to speak out for carers at a quarterly (four times a year) meeting in South Gloucestershire called the South Gloucestershire Ageing Better Group.

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South Gloucestershire Consultation – Early Help Strategy for Children, Young People & Families

The draft version of South Gloucestershire’s Early Help Strategy for Children, Young People & Families (2019-2024) is being consulted on. This strategy will affect parent carers and young carers in South Gloucestershire.

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NHS Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire CCG Mental Health Conversations Event: 13th December

The next Mental Health Conversations event will focus on developing a mental health strategy for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

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Participate in end of life emergency research

The Emergency Care Research Team at University of the West of England are looking for a member of the public, or a patient who has experience of end of life care, or of caring for someone at the end of their life to join the study team and inform all stages of a developing research project.

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Bristol carers’ experiences of accessing GP services sought by Healthwatch Bristol

The Healthwatch Bristol survey will be open for 6 months with plans to speak to members of the public at selection of practices across the city. Healthwatch will analyse the results once the survey closes and present their findings in a report.

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