Improving Healthcare for Everyone across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

Bristol North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) is trying to improve how their health services meet the needs of the diverse communities in the area. To do this, they are setting up an independent panel that will assess their progress to date.

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South Gloucestershire Dementia Action Alliance Survey

The South Gloucestershire Dementia Action Alliance (SGDAA) has been working to make communities dementia friendly. This means places where those living with dementia and their carers/supporters feel respected, supported, understood, able to access services easily and be a part of their community.

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Bristol Wellbeing College training

Bristol Wellbeing College offers free mental health courses, workshops and wellbeing activities across a number of locations in Bristol. You can enrol now on a number of courses and workshops running between March and May.

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Consultation: South Gloucestershire’s Early Help Strategy for Children, Young People & Families (2019-2024)

The draft version of South Gloucestershire’s Early Help Strategy for Children, Young People & Families (2019-2024) sets out proposed principles, intentions and areas of focus for the council and partner organisations. It is currently being consulted on.

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Educating the professionals

One of the key ways that we improve services for carers is to raise awareness – of who carers are, the issues they have to cope with on a day-to-day basis, and what changes practitioners can make to make carers’ lives easier. Here is a taster of some of the work that we’ve been involved with recently.

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Health checks for carers over 75

Close Farm Surgery in North Common are offering a free health check to all carers aged over 75 registered with the practice. This innovative service has been set up through the work of our GP team following a presentation by the surgery’s Patient Participation Group.

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