Survey for the equipment service for people who are Deaf or who have hearing loss

The Council wishes to gain the views of people who might benefit from a service that provides specialist assessment and equipment for people who are Deaf or have hearing loss. The survey will remain open until the 2nd December 2019.

UPDATE: Please note that this survey has now closed.

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Carers Support Services: Commissioning Plan Consultation and Carers Strategy Engagement

Bristol City Council is consulting on the future of Carer Support Services (for adults) and seeking views on a new Carers Strategy. The accepted definition of a carer is anyone who provides unpaid care for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health issue or an addiction cannot cope without their support (The Carers Trust).

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Parkinson’s Carers Support Event Coming up in November

On 14 November, Sirona Care and Health is holding an event for people who live with someone with Parkinson’s about the services to carers offered at Carers Support Centre. This event is bookable by partners or family members who care for and live with someone with Parkinson’s.

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University of Bristol: Patient and Public Involvement Workshop

Do you have a life-limiting illness? Are you a current or past carer for someone who has received palliative or end of life care? Do you have a connection to, or interest in, palliative and end of life care?

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