Would you like to be a carer representative?

Carer representatives listen to the views of other carers and make sure that they are heard. This includes speaking out for other carers at meetings and events and feeding in to local strategies.

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Online tool for carers of people with learning disabilities or autism

#Right2Home and British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) are developing an online tool to guide people facing COVID-19 restrictions to visiting loved ones who are autistic and/or have learning disabilities.

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Barnardos: Parent carers needed for new focus group

Barnardos are interested in hearing from parent carers and are in the process of creating a new group to look at information for parent carers and their families regarding the new Autism Hub for children. The Autism Hub will focus mainly on diagnostic assessments.

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Musculoskeletal service user & carer panel

The NHS wants to improve Musculoskeletal (MSK) services. MSK services include Trauma and Orthopaedic, Rheumatology and Pain services. The service covers carers living in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Please note: this panel is not run by Carers Support Centre.

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