Sense launched a new campaign called When I’m Gone, which is focused on ensuring long term support for disabled people and their families. With traction already building via social media, there will be yearlong series of activities, campaigning, and regional events planned.
Personal health budget holders invited to share their experiences
People currently in receipt of a personal health budgets or integrated personal budget (combining health and social care funding) will be able to share their experiences of a personal health budget in a survey being run by NHS England. Open until 31st April, all survey responses will be anonymised and used to help improve how personal health budgets are offered in England.
Continue reading “Personal health budget holders invited to share their experiences”
Urgent Care Strategy Meeting – March 21
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) will be producing an urgent care strategy which will set out their future plans for commissioning urgent and emergency care across the whole area. The CCGs’ aim is to ensure that their population has access to the best care from the right person in the best place and at the right time.
There will be a workshop to capture local people’s thoughts and the reasons for choosing a particular urgent and / or emergency care service. The aim is to highlight areas where the system is not working and where the patient and carer experience is poor, as well as identifying the areas where urgent and emergency care services are working well.
Update: If you can’t attend the meeting on 21st March, but would like to feed into this important strategy, please fill out the following short survey: BNSSG Urgent Care Strategy Survey
Details of the workshop are:
Date: Wednesday 21 March 2018
Start & Finish Time: 10 am until 12 noon
Venue: Brook Way Activity Centre, Brook Way, Bradley Stoke, BS32 9DA (Meeting Rooms A&B)
To book, contact: Pennie Jones, Patient & Public Involvement & Equalities Officer
Tel No: 0117 9474441
Improving Identification of Young Carers
National Inquiry into support for working carers
We have been involved in a recent Select Committee Inquiry into the Department of Work and Pensions support for working carers.
Continue reading “National Inquiry into support for working carers”
GP Link Volunteers feature in good practice report
Our GP Link Volunteer programme is included in a national report by the Kings Fund, examining good practice around volunteering in general practice. We were pleased that our programme was chosen as one of the case studies, showing the added value and benefit that volunteering can make in primary care. The Kings Fund report explores ways in which volunteers contribute to general practice, providing an opportunity for practices to engage beyond their traditional boundaries, creating an interface with voluntary and community sector organisations and with the wider community.
We currently work with all 52 GP practices in Bristol and 26 GP practices in South Gloucestershire. Practices can request their own GP Link volunteer, who helps to support people to self-identify as carers, so that they can then access information to help them in their caring role.
See the Kings fund report: Volunteering in general practice: opportunities and insights
Find out more about our volunteering programme.
Barn Dance 2nd June
Organised by Friends of Carers Support Centre, all are invited to a Barn Dance fundraiser taking place on Saturday 2nd June.
Do you shop at the Co-op?
You can raise funds for young carers.
Is your Carers Emergency Card up to date?
It is vitally important that you keep the Emergency Call Centre/Emergency Communications Team up to date with any changes to your or the person you care for’s details so that you can receive an effective emergency response if the card is used.
Continue reading “Is your Carers Emergency Card up to date?”
Carers Wellbeing Events
We’re working with Bristol Wellbeing College to run 3 FREE events for carers in central Bristol. These are informal and welcoming; with information from professionals, a wellbeing workshop, and Indian head and hand massage. There will be tea and cakes and the chance to talk to other carers too.
Wellbeing photography workshop
Are you interested in photography or would like to find some simple ways to wellbeing? This free workshop for carers will focus on connecting to the creative part of our mind to promote relaxation and mindfulness through the camera and pictures we take.
MP to visit Henleaze Carers Group in April
Monica Rudston who runs the Henleaze Carers Group has asked Carers Support Centre to extend the invitation to their 12th April carers group to all carers who might like to come along, even if from outside of the BS9 area, as they have an MP visiting. Here is the information, if you would like to attend this really interesting sounding meeting.
Continue reading “MP to visit Henleaze Carers Group in April”
Bristol Safeguarding Adults Board wants to hear from carers!
The Bristol Safeguarding Adults Board is currently writing the safeguarding adults strategic plan for 2018-2021.
This is an important strategy to feed your views into. There is an online survey which can be accessed by clicking here, it just takes a few minutes to fill out.
Continue reading “Bristol Safeguarding Adults Board wants to hear from carers!”
Consultation: South Gloucestershire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategy
The consultation on the draft Strategy for Children and Young People 0-25 years with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in South Gloucestershire 2018-2023 is now live.
All the consultation documents are available via this web page Web: The consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 12th March.
Bristol Carers Open Meeting – March 7
UPDATE: Programme for the day now available!
10.30AM to 1PM at the Vassall Centre
Spring Carers News Out Now
Issue 76 is now available for download. Continue reading “Spring Carers News Out Now”
Would you like to feed your comments into our new potential Carers Wellbeing Service?
Mindfulness for Carers
The Mindful Life are offering a FREE one-day programme to introduce you to some simple mindfulness-based practices. These can be incorporated into your everyday life, giving you more resources to help you feel calmer and more resilient.
Care Support Alliance Survey
Please help the Care and Support Alliance (CSA) in shaping their campaign targeting the Government for a properly funded social care system. The CSA want to hear from carers about your experiences of the social care system. Can you spare 15 minutes to fill in their survey? It will help shape the CSA’s campaign and ensure your voice as a carer is part of the social care reforms.
Young carers design mental health posters
Young Carers Voice (YCV) members presented their mental health poster designs to Bristol City Mayor Marvin Rees.
Continue reading “Young carers design mental health posters”