Would you like to feed your comments into our new potential Carers Wellbeing Service?

We’re really excited to announce that we have got through to the final stages of a Big Lottery Reaching Communities bid to launch a new Carer Wellbeing Service.
This will include a telephone emotional support service and counselling service.
We’re now developing our response to the next stage of the funding process and would love to hear your views to help us shape and finalise the proposed service. 

We’re having a discussion, followed by a hot lunch and cake on Thursday 22 February from 10.45am (for an 11am start) – 1pm at Rowlings Room, Carers Support Centre, Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, BS16 2QQ. Lunch will be served at 12.30pm.
If you’re not able to come along to the focus group, but would like to feed in your views by telephone, please do let us know.
To book on to the focus group, please contact Dennis Agodzo by using our contact form or calling 0117 958 9902.